Tragically, three juveniles were recently arrested by Trenton’s Street Crimes Unit in two separate incidents on October 4th. In the first arrest, two Detectives noticed a group of teenagers acting suspiciously and pulled the vehicle over for a routine traffic stop. According to the officers, the driver pulled over and fled along with the front-seat passenger. As police secured the remaining two juveniles, they discovered an incredibly powerful TEC-9 assault weapon fully stocked with a high-capacity magazine. This widely recognized weapon remains infamous as the type of gun used in the Columbine High School massacre. Less than an hour later, in the same area detectives detained another juvenile possessing a .380 caliber semi-automatic weapon. The teenager’s gun had hollow-point bullets. The two 14-year-olds with the TEC-9 were charged and released to their parents with ankle bracelet monitoring, and the 16-year-old with the handgun was also released to his mother.USA Today and AP released a report last month that showed Trenton ranks fourth nationally for teen gun violence. As a result, a juvenile weapons possession charge is taken very seriously in Trenton. When you or a loved one has been charged with this offense, you need to obtain legal counsel to secure your rights.The attorneys at Davis Law Firm are practiced in representing clients charged with firearm possession. Depending on the type of firearm involved and whether you have a current license or not, adults could potentially be charged with a second or third-degree felony. Juveniles can sometimes be tried in adult court, so it’s in your best interest to hire an expert defense attorney when your child is arrested for a serious crime like possessing a weapon. New Jersey’s criminal firearm possession laws are complicated, but together we can create a comprehensive defensive strategy to secure justice in your case. Our expert attorneys at the Davis Law Firm can be reached at 609-587-9100 or via our convenient online contact form.The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney/client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.