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  • Navigating High-Conflict Divorces: Legal Strategies for Custody and Asset Division

    Oct 16, 2024

    Divorce In this blog, we’ll explore legal strategies for high-conflict divorces and how a divorce lawyer can help you manage these challenges in New Jersey. What Constitutes a High-Conflict Divorce? A high-conflict divorce occurs when the parties involved have ongoing disputes that cannot be resolved easily through negotiation or mediation. This often involves intense disagreements over important issues such as: Child Custody Asset Division Alimony/Spousal Support Child Custody in High-Conflict Divorces Child custody The child’...
  • Challenging Police Procedures: How Mishandled Evidence Can Impact Your Criminal Defense

    Oct 9, 2024

    When you’ve been charged with a crime in New Jersey, the strength of the evidence against you often determines the course of your case. However, mistakes in the handling, collection, or preservation of evidence can create significant legal issues that work in your favor. Mishandled evidence can weaken the prosecution’s case, providing your criminal defense lawyer with a powerful tool to challenge the charges. In this blog, we’ll explore how improper evidence handling can impac...
  • Child Relocation and Its Impact on Custody: What to Do When Your Co-Parent Plans to Move

    Sep 27, 2024

    Child custody In this blog, we’ll explore the complexities of child relocation, how it impacts custody arrangements, and what steps you can take if you’re opposing a move. Understanding Child Relocation and Custody Child relocation refers to when one parent, typically the custodial parent, wishes to move to a new location with the child. This can involve moving to a different city, state, or even country. Relocation poses a challenge for existing custody arrangements, a...
  • Understanding Diversionary Programs: How They Work and When You Might Qualify

    Sep 13, 2024

    Facing criminal charges can be overwhelming, but for eligible individuals, diversionary programs offer an alternative to the traditional criminal justice process. These programs are designed to provide a second chance for individuals charged with certain offenses, allowing them to avoid a criminal conviction and the long-term consequences that come with it. This blog will answer common questions about What is a Diversionary Program? A diversionary program is an alternative to traditional prosecution, typically aime...
  • How Property Is Divided in a New Jersey Divorce: Equitable Distribution Explained

    Aug 21, 2024

    Going through a What Is Equitable Distribution? Equitable distribution refers to the fair, though not necessarily equal, division of marital property between spouses during a divorce. Unlike community property states where assets are typically split 50/50, New Jersey law allows courts to distribute property in a way that is deemed fair, based on various factors specific to each case. Importantly, "equitable" does not mean "equal," and the division will depend on your unique circumstances...
  • The Consequences of Refusing a Breathalyzer in New Jersey: Is It Worth the Risk?

    Aug 7, 2024

    When you're pulled over on suspicion of Understanding New Jersey’s Implied Consent Law New Jersey, like many other states, operates under an "implied consent" law. This means that by merely driving on New Jersey roads, you have implicitly agreed to submit to chemical testing (which includes breath, blood, or urine tests) if a law enforcement officer suspects you are driving under the influence. The purpose of this law is to help authorities enforce DU...
  • 5 Essential Steps to Protect Yourself During a Divorce Involving Domestic Violence in New Jersey

    Jul 24, 2024

    Navigating the complex and emotionally charged waters of a 1. Seek Immediate Safety and Support The first and most critical step is to ensure your immediate safety. If you or your children are in danger, do not hesitate to contact law enforcement. The police can provide immediate protection and help you get to a safe place. Additionally, consider reaching out to local domestic violence shelters and hotlines. In New Jersey, organizations such as th...
  • Caught Driving Under the Influence in NJ? 8 Steps to Take Right Now

    Jul 10, 2024

    Facing charges for driving under the influence 1. Stay Calm and Cooperative The first and most important step is to remain calm and cooperative with the law enforcement officers. Arguing or resisting arrest can only exacerbate the situation. Keep in mind that your behavior during this encounter can be used against you in court. Comply with the officers’ requests and avoid making any incriminating statements. 2. Exercise Your Right to Remain Silent After providin...
  • Navigating Alimony and Spousal Support in New Jersey

    Jun 18, 2024

    Divorce can be a challenging and emotional process, especially when it comes to financial matters such as What Is Alimony and Spousal Support Alimony, also known as spousal support, is a financial arrangement where one spouse provides financial assistance to the other after a divorce. The purpose of alimony is to help the lower-earning spouse maintain a similar standard of living to what they enjoyed during the marriage. New Jersey law recognizes several type...
  • What Is the Difference Between a Misdemeanor DUI Charge and an Aggravated DUI Charge?

    Jun 4, 2024

    Driving While Under the Influence in New Jersey Charges for driving under the influence are different in various states across the country. Some states have stricter consequences for those that get behind the wheel while under the influence. In addition to differences between each state, there are also differences in the type of charge a person receives. A driver may be charged with misdemeanor DUI or aggravated DUI depending on the circumstances of the situation...
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